The word accountability has come up a lot lately in my world and I think it is reminding me of something I strongly believe in. Lately I have come across situations where I have either chosen or had conversations forced on me that lack accountability. Today at work, a co-worker was confronted, but yet still no accountability in sight. It drives me nuts. I believe in working my tail off when I go to work. I go in with the thought of how can I help the school I work at be better. What can I do to make an improvement. I have seen some that do not carry that same work ethic, but yet they are not held accountable, when instead they almost get out of duties which is the last thing that I want to see happen. I also recently had an uncomfortable conversation brought to my attention of situation that didn't involve me, and no matter how many times I tried to change the subject, I had to go through an uncomfortable half hour instead of the person involved just taking responsibility and apologizing for their poor choices. I find it difficult to go to school and work with students and expect them to hold themselves accountable if I don't role model that behavior myself. So it really frustrates me when others don't hold themselves accountable as well. In my Foundations of Teaching class for college, teacher accountability came up in this last chapter. I think the lack of accountability is often times overlooked and I am not talking about accountability for testing scores. I am talking about accountability for poor choices. If people make a conscious effort to hold themselves accountable and take responsibility when they make a poor choice, I think they will find themselves happier and find that more people want to be around them.
The second thing I had on my mind is the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and shopping. In years past, I looked forward to Black Friday. It had become somewhat of an event. I was crazy for doing it, but I found myself participating again the next year. The sad thing about Black Friday is that it is disappearing fast. In exchange for Black Friday we get Hurry Up Say Hello And Eat Your Food Fast Thanksgiving Thursday. I go back and forth on this issue and it is a hot button topic in the media. Costco doesn't cave in and they are closed on Thanksgiving. Wal-Mart is only closed on Christmas Day, but their Black Friday sales didn't start until midnight until two years ago. I commend Costco and I can't even fault Target. Target does open for a few hours late Thanksgiving night and last year the cashier told me that every Target employee had a choice to work the Thanksgiving night sale. It was okay if they did not want to, everyone that we saw in the store had chosen to be there. I have already chose to participate again this year, but it is a little frustrating with how spread out in time it is becoming. The funny thing about this year is that none of the big box stores want to release their Black Friday ads first this year. In the recent past, the first one to release their Black Friday Ads and Information was usually the one to get criticized the most in the media. So they are all scared to take the plunge. Ultimately it is up to you the shopper if you are going to support Black Friday or not and that needs to be remembered.
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