Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tour Of The Big City

This summer has kept me busy.  I chose to end my school year job on June 15th and start my summer job full-time on June 16th. Everyone at my Onamia school site would question why I am not taking any time off between jobs and there are a couple of answers to that question.

First, I would like to think that I am a hard worker.  The other night at a staff meeting I attended for my summer job at Fun-N-Friends, we were asked the question of whether or not we are giving 100% at our job.  The question appeared to shock all those in attendance, including me.  I wanted to speak up right away and admit that I do give 100 percent when I am at my job, but I also don't want to appear arrogant.  So I do work hard and give 100 percent, because quality should be uncompromising.  

Second, I didn't take time off in-between jobs because of the fact that I care.  Despite Brainerd Schools and Fun-N-Friends being a new summer experience, I care a lot about being accepted by my co-workers, earning respect from the children, and being a strong part of the team.  That is how I felt in the beginning of this new adventure back in June, but now that I have been there for two months and know the people that I work with and how connected I feel, my care for the program and the people have gone through the roof.  

This summer with my job at Fun-N-Friends, I have been lucky enough to be afforded the opportunity to go on many outings in the Brainerd area.  The outings have been a solid contributing reason for the high number of steps on my pedometer.  I went to the Brainerd Fire Station twice in one day to pack on miles.  I was able to walk children to the Brainerd Public Library once a week for the library's story time.  I also was able to go to the Wildlife Safari Zoo that I have not been at before.  Today was the second time that our program went to Jack's House for bowling.  I also got to be part of an outing that went to the Crow Wing County Fair and also to the movies and pizza lunch at Rafferty's. 

As you can see, I have been on a tour of Brainerd this summer.  It has been a lot of fun and with some great people. If this summer has taught me anything, or at least reminded me of something, it's that things are so much better when you care.  


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